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Innovative Software Solutions for Your Business

We create custom technology for the amusement and Industry 4.0 sectors, supporting your business needs and goals.

Industry 4.0

Revolutionize Your Operations with Industry 4.0 Technologies

We help industrial companies optimize production processes and implement modern technologies. Our services include system integration, improving device performance, implementing predictive maintenance, and modernizing legacy systems. With our solutions, you will increase the stability of your products and reduce production costs..


Amusement parks

Innovative software for theme parks

We help theme parks increase user engagement and loyalty with custom technology solutions. Our software makes it easy to collect feedback, track time and location spent in the park and provide dynamic updates to attractions. We guarantee the safety of young guests with NFC technology and offer new ways to interact with brand heroes.



Customised programme solutions tailored to your needs

We specialise in developing software tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Our comprehensive services range from user research and system audits to the implementation of cutting-edge solutions such as gamification, telemetry and over-the-air updates. Our solutions foster innovation and help to conquer new markets.



Strengthen your business with professional IT outsourcing

Our outsourcing services help theme parks and Industry 4.0 sectors solve their biggest technology challenges. We provide experts who integrate with your team, ensuring system stability and product development, optimising costs and improving efficiency.


Discover the unique benefits of working with us

Tailored Solutions for Your Specific Needs

By providing custom software solutions tailored to the unique challenges and goals of your business, we deliver technology that perfectly matches the specific requirements of your company.

Increased Customer Engagement and Loyalty

Our innovative technologies for amusement parks enhance user engagement and customer loyalty through features such as rankings, photos, games, and group challenges, fostering positive experiences and brand attachment.

Process Optimization and Cost Reduction

Our advanced Industry 4.0 solutions help reduce production costs and improve the efficiency of your devices. System integration, predictive maintenance, and legacy system modernization contribute to operational stability and efficiency.

Access to the Latest Technologies and Expertise

We provide not only state-of-the-art technologies but also expert support to work alongside your team. Our outsourcing and consulting services build internal know-how, ensuring a competitive edge in the market.

About us

Oakfusion is an IT company that has been putting customers first since 2012 - we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, personalized services to each client because every client has different needs. We offer support in projects, code analysis, web and mobile application development, DevOps services, and cloud solutions. Our goal is to create high-quality software using the latest tools. All of this is done in a great atmosphere and with a high work culture - we are passionate about sports and Java. Let us help you!