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Technology solutions for the entertainment industry

In an era of intense competition and rising visitor expectations, amusement parks must constantly innovate to attract new guests and increase customer loyalty. Our software house offers end-to-end technology solutions that help theme parks solve key problems and deliver exceptional experiences.

Your challenges, our solutions

Lack of contact with the customer

Many amusement parks struggle to connect with customers, making it difficult to understand their needs and preferences. Our solutions include:

  • Dedicated mobile apps: We develop apps that enable direct contact with park guests, collect their feedback and deliver personalized offers and notifications.
  • Loyalty platforms: We implement loyalty programs that engage customers and encourage them to visit more often through rewards and promotions.

Difficulties with marketing and customer targeting

Effective marketing requires precise customer targeting, which is often a challenge. Our solutions include:

  • Advanced data analytics: We use Big Data and AI technologies to analyze customer behavior, allowing us to create more effective marketing campaigns
  • Customer segmentation: We help segment your customer base based on various criteria, allowing you to precisely target your offers and communications

No way to monitor the time and place spent by customers

  • Monitoring and telemetry systems: We deploy IoT technologies to track guest movement in the park, analyze time spent at individual attractions and optimize park layout
  • Interactive maps and apps: We create interactive maps that help guests navigate the park more easily, while collecting valuable data about their routes

Lack of customer data and the problem of acquiring it

Capturing and analyzing customer data is essential for effective marketing efforts and improving offerings. Our solutions include:

  • Data collection via mobile applications: Our mobile applications allow you to collect contact data, preferences and customer feedback
  • Integrate CRM systems: We implement CRM systems that centralize customer data, enabling it to be used effectively in marketing and operational activities

Why Choose Us?

Poprawa atrakcyjności parku

Zwiększenie zaangażowania i lojalności klientów

Efektywny marketing i lepsze zrozumienie klientów

Dzięki naszym rozwiązaniom parki rozrywki mogą lepiej angażować swoich gości poprzez personalizowane oferty, programy lojalnościowe oraz interaktywne aplikacje. To przekłada się na wyższą lojalność klientów i częstsze wizyty.

Wdrażamy nowoczesne technologie, które zwiększają atrakcyjność parku, takie jak interaktywne gry, aplikacje z rozszerzoną rzeczywistością (AR) oraz rozwiązania zapewniające bezpieczeństwo najmłodszych gości. To sprawia, że park staje się bardziej interesujący i bezpieczny dla odwiedzających.

Nasze zaawansowane narzędzia analityczne i systemy CRM pozwalają parkom rozrywki lepiej zrozumieć swoich klientów i prowadzić bardziej efektywne kampanie marketingowe. Dzięki temu możliwe jest lepsze targetowanie ofert i komunikatów, co przekłada się na wyższe przychody i zadowolenie klientów.

We understand that there may be some objections. Answers to frequently asked questions:

What are the benefits of implementing a dedicated mobile app for a theme park?

Implementing a dedicated mobile app enables direct contact with park guests, collecting their feedback and delivering personalised offers and notifications. These apps can also include interactive maps, games, loyalty programmes and safety features to increase customer engagement and loyalty.

What technologies do you use in your theme park solutions?

We use the latest technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, Big Data, augmented reality (AR) and CRM systems. These technologies allow us to create advanced, integrated systems that are flexible, scalable and easy to manage.

What are the main problems you help theme parks solve?

We help theme parks solve a range of problems including:
- Lack of customer contact
- Difficulties with marketing and customer targeting
- Inability to monitor the time and place spent by customers
- Lack of customer data and problem with customer acquisition

What specific benefits can be gained from your monitoring and telemetry systems?

Our monitoring and telemetry systems allow us to track visitor traffic in the park, analyse the time spent at individual attractions and optimise the park layout. This leads to a better understanding of customer preferences, increased customer satisfaction and efficient attraction management.

What solutions do you offer to support theme park marketing?

We implement loyalty platforms and dedicated mobile apps that engage customers and encourage more frequent visits.

What support do you offer after implementation of the systems?

We offer comprehensive technical support to ensure the continuity of the implemented solutions. Our team of experts is available at every stage of the implementation to assist with troubleshooting and the necessary updates and patches.

What approach do you take to designing theme park solutions?

Our approach is to thoroughly understand the requirements and challenges of theme parks. We work with clients at every stage of a project to ensure that the solutions provided are fully tailored to their specific needs. We develop dedicated applications, integrate systems and automate processes to maximise the operational efficiency of theme parks.

What are the benefits of using IoT technology in a theme park?

The use of IoT technology in a theme park enables real-time monitoring and management of equipment and attractions. With IoT, data on visitor behaviour can be collected, analysed and better business decisions can be made. This contributes to improving operational efficiency, enhancing safety and creating a more engaging and personalised experience for visitors.